Mistake #1: You think minimal weight loss isn't important Of course it is. Even losing a few pounds plays an important role in preventing true diabetes. Studies show that the addition of light physical activity and separation of low body weight reduce the risk of developing diabetes by up to 58%. Mistake #2 - Ignoring the Diagnosis Many people think that since they don't have diabetes, everything is fine and there is no need to worry. This is not like this. Prediabetes is no less serious than true diabetes. The good thing about prediabetes, however, is that it is reversible, as long as the appropriate and timely measures are taken. This will not lead to the serious complications that diabetes hides.
№3 - lack of movement
Getting enough exercise is crucial in preventing diabetes. Exercise, physical activity during the day, exercise in the morning and at night can reduce the risk of diabetes by more than 30%. Even daily 30-minute walks play a huge role in blood sugar balance, blood insulin levels, and nutrient absorption.
№4 - Fiber Leakage
Fiber is very important to control prediabetes and diabetes. They contribute to the correct and slower breakdown of carbohydrates.
Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and simple sugars sharply raises blood sugar. However, this can also occur in metabolic diseases and some diseases of the endocrine system. These and other factors affect the risk of developing diabetes later in life.
Whether you have diabetes, are predisposed to it, or have momentary problems with high blood sugar, you need to make some lifestyle changes to control it. They will help you not only keep your glucose levels under control, but also improve the sensitivity of your cells to insulin.
November 14 is World Diabetes Day. Let us know well the prevention methods of insidious diseases and the ways to control blood sugar and insulin levels in the body.
1. Exercises.
Regular physical activity, even light exercise, is important. Exercise is a natural method to counteract diabetes. It has a beneficial effect on the body, accelerating metabolism and helping glucose to be used for the release of energy, instead of being stored in the form of adipose tissue, as is often the case with various metabolic diseases.
2. Weight loss.
In spite of the fact that it sounds worn out, weight reduction is one of the components to control glucose. The general decrease in the quantity of fat cells assists control with blooding glucose levels. The more fat cells there are in the body, the more fat cells they draw in. At the point when you lessen them, you diminish the gamble of diabetes, weight, cardiovascular sicknesses, infections of the outer muscle framework, hormonal issues, illnesses of the sensory system.
3. Restructure your diet.
If you haven't been on a diet before, it's time to start monitoring what you're eating. Reduce carbohydrate intake to a minimum. Emphasize the useful: vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts. Remember the useful proteins and fats that your body needs to metabolize correctly at all levels.
4. Drink more water.
Good hydration is vital to keep blood sugar levels stable. Helps the kidneys filter excess glucose, reducing and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
5. Get enough sleep.
When you don't get enough sleep, your hormones can't balance themselves. Unfortunately, lack of sleep, insomnia and sleep disorders are a prerequisite for poor processing of sugars in the body and their storage as fat.